The Hawai‘i Tourism Authority (HTA) has awarded the contract for Destination Brand Management & Marketing Services in Canada once again to VoX International.
Under the new contract, the agency will continue to work on HTA’s behalf to educate Canadian visitors about travelling mindfully and respectfully, while supporting Hawai‘i’s communities. The new contract will begin on 30JUN and last a duration of two and a half years, with the option for one two-year extension.
“We are honoured and delighted that HTA has chosen to continue our partnership. We will continue our efforts to market the Hawaiian Islands to Canadians, while encouraging mindful travel and a regenerative tourism model that is respectful of cultural values, the local community and the ‘āina (land). We are excited for the rewarding work that lies ahead”, said Susan Webb, President of VoX International.
VoX has managed the account since 2017, working closely with HTA, Island Chapters and key partners in destination, on trade initiatives, digital marketing, social media, public relations, crisis communications and consumer marketing.