WestJet Unveils 'Bare-Bones' Fare for Pax Ready to Fly Bag-Free

WestJet Airlines has announced a new cheaper fare category for travellers willing to fly without a carry-on bag. 

The airline's CEO, Alexis von Hoensbroech, introduced the "ultra-lowoffering on 22MAY, describing the initiative as appealing to budget-conscious travellers while freeing up overhead bin space for other pax. 

The Canadian Press (CP) reports that the new fare category will be available within a few weeks.

CP states, "Travellers who purchase the cheapest fare will not have the option to put a bag in the overhead bins, though they will still be permitted to store a knapsack or purse underneath the seat in front of them."

The concept of "unbundlingairline fares to allow pax to pay only for the specific services they require has become increasingly common in recent years, mainly due to the emergence of the ultra-low-cost carrier model.

"The thinking behind the model is that budget-conscious travellers can choose to pay a stripped-down, basic fare while more comfort-minded passengers can purchase extras like the ability to select a seat, check a bag or access in-flight entertainment,CTV reports.

Von Hoensbroech explained the reasoning behind offering lower fare options: "Some [passengers] want premium and are willing to pay a higher price. Some want just a rock-bottom price," he said.

The decision was made due to the ongoing issue of having large numbers of pax jockeying for limited overhead bin space, particularly on its older model aircraft.

The fare announcement comes on the heels of WestJet's call to freeze mandatory fed fees and end airport rent collection. 

"WestJet is committed to maintaining a transparent and low-cost structure that welcomes competition and drives the best value for our guests. Yet we operate in a very expensive and user-paid infrastructure environment that significantly drives up ticket prices for the everyday Canadian and hinders competition,stated von Hoensbroech.

"Air travellers are paying too much in government fees and charges on their plane ticket compared to other nations and other modes of travel. These changes would increase competition, lower ticket prices, and foster greater transparency for our guests.”

Although WestJet is not a ULCC, it aims to compete with low-cost competitors to attract business travellers and vacationers. Unlike ULCCs, it offers complimentary in-flight snacks and non-alcoholic beverages as part of its basic service.

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