Travel lovers may think the most important ink in their lives right now is their record of COVID vaccination - but one young Italian has taken that sentiment to heart… or, er, arm.
A TikTok video has gone viral showing 22-year old Italian economics student Andrea Colonnetta showing off the QR code of his ‘digital green pass’ that confirms he’s fully vaccinated.
The pass is required throughout Italy to access amenities and services like restaurants, museums, concerts, trains and pretty much any place to participate in modern life in Italy (tourists need one, too).
While authorities stipulated that the QR code may be displayed on a smartphone or printed, old-school, on paper, no one else seems to have thought of this option!
Tattoo artist Gabriele Pellerone posted TikTok videos showing him inking Colonnetta's arm and successfully scanning the tattoo with a cell phone.
@gabrielepelleronerealGREEN pass tattoo #tatuaggi #tattoo #tatuatori #greenpass #tatuaggio♬ LIMITS THE SKY - Mpax
And it works IRL (‘in real life’) too! At least for a burger and fries.
In a subsequent TikTok video, Colonnetta and Pellerone are shown at a McDonald's, where a security guard successfully scans the tattoo, allowing the pass ‘bearer’ entry.
@gabrielepelleronerealGreen pass tatuato, scan al Mc. #tatuaggi #tatuatori #mcdonalds #mc #greenpass♬ suono originale - gabrielepellerone
The tattoo ink pen turns out to be even mightier than the smartphone - Colonnetta will never misplace his pass.
Not sure if it would get the student across a border or onto an international flight, though.
But it does serve as a permanent reminder of the pandemic - something most of us may want to forget once it’s finally in the rear view mirror.
"I wanted to represent the difficulties of the moment through a tattoo that will remain indelible and will represent a historical period of my existence," Colonnetta told the Corriere della Sera newspaper.
Once digital COVID passes become relegated to history, Colonnetta will still have literal, one-of-a-kind work of body art - and a good story to tell.