Excuse me, dahrlings, but...

Give It A Rest

Since when is the language someone speaks a barometer of their abilities, dahrlings? Just because getting old …um no, that’s ageism. Which is very damaging, by the way, to ex-babes. Just sayin’.

We’re talking about langualism. No, no. Con-unilingualism. No, that’s cunnilingus. Different. I think. Although maybe that is what all the fuss is about at AC.

Because otherwise, Pumpkins, it would simply be anti-angloism, and that would be wrong.

Having lived the ravages of being non ‘pure-laine’ in a very woolly part of Montreal, despite the nuns beating French into me (which I think they rather enjoyed. But let’s leave the church for another time) I know of what I speak. In two tongues.

My point is, Mr Rousseau (really should change that name, dahrling. Try Ross) is running a global international big enterprise, not answering to the language police. And, he’s taken on the job during the worst time in aviation history known to woman.

If that adorable face were to show up at my door, would I ask him to write an essay on the origins of ‘tabernac’?

No. I’d get straight to the heart of the matter and test his lingual skills. I mean, his aviation knowledge. Obviously.

Ivanna Gabbalot


Part legend, part myth, all woman: Ivanna Gabbalot is OJ’s gossip columnist and considers herself the industry’s conscience. Equally annoying to Open Jaw management and inflated egos in C-suites everywhere, Ivanna works infrequently, preferring to snipe from the sidelines.

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