Aboard Carnival Miracle in Juneau, Carnival Cruise Line announced a $50,000 donation to the Alaska Carbon Reduction Fund (ACRF), which will contribute to a more sustainable future in Alaska.
The donation was made as a result of a partnership between the Carnival shore excursions team and tour operator Allen Marine Tours, a family-owned business and one of the oldest tour companies in Alaska. It will support the ACRF’s lower-income fuel-switching program. The effort provides emission-free heating systems to qualified residents. The donation enables the program to expand to more families.
“Our guests and crew value the hospitality and partnership of Alaska residents and as we get ready to end another successful season, we are making this contribution as a show of our appreciation, and our mutual commitment to sustainable resources,” said Christine Duffy, president of Carnival Cruise Line.
ACRF’s initiative utilizes hydroelectric power to heat homes without relying on diesel fuel, mitigating carbon dioxide emissions and significantly reducing annual heating costs. The program directs its revenues, donations and grants toward replacing oil-burning heating systems with efficient and emissions-free air source heat pumps in the homes of lower-income families.
“Carnival Cruise Line’s generous donation to the Alaska Carbon Reduction Fund will help to catalyze further growth of the Fund and its impacts on families that need assistance the most,” said Alaska Heat Smart Executive Director and ACRF Program Manager Andy Romanoff. “Not only will families benefit through lowered heating costs, but southeast Alaska communities will also benefit as well. Heating dollars will circulate locally, contractors will realize additional work opportunities, and the tremendous hydroelectric resources of the region will displace imported, carbon heavy heating fuels.”