As many of us prepare to tuck into some turkey over the Thanksgiving weekend, Open Jaw thought we should ‘talk turkey’ about what our industry can be grateful for in OCT of 2022.
Here’s what agency executives had to say about giving thanks on both a personal and professional level this year:
Mike Foster, President, Nexion Canada
“Our world is a better place”
I love having a big world to visit, and really happy that I can visit more of it today than the last couple of years, but I am so very thankful that I live in Canada! It’s a wonderful world, but Canada is the most-wonderful, and I am reminded of that every time I travel … or open a newspaper.
I have worked in this industry for almost 44 years now, and I am so thankful for many things that I have too often taken for granted, and it took a pandemic to show me – our supplier partners, my colleagues, our hundreds of advisors, a Canadian population filled with wanderlust, and ACTA for the tremendous fight waged on behalf of our industry!
I am thankful for the opening up of the world to travel again … something the world needed, and not just our industry. Our world is a better place when we can all move around freely and get to know and understand each other more.
Christine James, Vice President, TL Network Canada
“The look on the faces of our members”
I will always be thankful for all the unwavering support that I’ve received over the years from my dearest family and friends who were there for me while I’ve battled back against cancer, but I feel truly blessed especially at this time of year. In more recent years, they have stood by me to help me face all the challenges both personal and professional over the course of the pandemic.
There’s no doubt that the last 2 ½ years have been the most challenging our industry has had to face, therefore, I join my industry colleagues in being thankful that our business is not only recovery mode but in many cases, outpacing pre-pandemic trends.
Furthermore, when I see the look on the faces of our members and suppliers that are finally able to connect face to face, I know that they are equally grateful.
Rocky Racco, CEO, TTI Travel
“Engaging future”
This Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for being connected to my family and their well-being, seeing my daughters relationships and careers flourish, and having the opportunity to enjoy unique experiences and enhance life-long relationships.
I’m also grateful for making it to the other side of Covid, knowing how much I love and appreciate our industry, knowing we have a bright and engaging future ahead of us.
Zeina Gedeon, CEO, Trevello
“Advisors have found their voice”
This Thanksgiving, I’m most grateful for our Advisors, for their loyalty and commitment to Trevello and for their dedication to helping build back stronger than ever – without them and their support we will not be here. For our employees, for sticking with us through thick and thin.
In this industry right now, we have so much to be thankful for.
Top of mind for me is the great relationships we have with our supplier partners and the focus we both have to rebuild our industry, but more importantly helping our Advisors rebuild their business;
The removal of all hindrances for our customers to travel;
An influx of new-to-industry agents, which is amazing to see, and that will help in rebuilding our industry;
Fantastic sales;
At long last Advisors have found their voice to better communicate the value that they provide to clients and are more comfortable charging fees;
And to top it all, we are all healthy and thankful and looking forward to putting the last 28 months behind us!
David Harris, Executive Chairman, Ensemble Travel Group
“Working together”
Well, of course I am thankful for my family and how supportive they have been this past year.
While there have been a lot of challenges, I am grateful for the opportunity that was presented to Ensemble and its shareholders to be acquired by Navigatr Group earlier this year. We are already seeing positive outcomes for our members and I am truly so excited about the opportunities ahead as we're just getting started.
Certainly, I know we are all thankful to see that travel is resuming and restrictions lifted following a very long pause. I am equally thankful for the support we’ve had from all of our partners – suppliers, trade organizations, as well as the Ensemble members, staff and our new Navigatr colleague. It makes me realize even more the value and importance of working together to address the challenges together.
Greg Luciani, President and CEO, TravelOnly
“Passionate professionals”
I’m most thankful for the health and happiness of my family, friends and colleagues.
And I’m grateful that I’m surrounded by the hardest working travel professionals in the business. They’re so passionate about travel that they will literally work 24/7 to ensure every detail of their clients' experiences are fulfilled.