Health Care Safety Net Was In Place Long Before COVID

Cuba’s World Class Healthcare System Gives Travellers Peace of Mind

Healthcare is a hot topic for debate at the best of times—never mind during a global pandemic–but when it comes to talking to clients who are dreaming of discovering the 21-kilometre strip of sand at Varadero or snorkelling the coral reefs of Santa Lucia, you can feel confident that you are sending them to a destination that has one of the finest healthcare systems in the world.

The World’s Highest Doctor/Patient Ratio

Cuba boasts the highest doctor/patient ration in the world–three times that of Canada. Also, largely due to the embargo, the country has limited access to imported medicines, so it has developed its own innovative domestic biopharmaceutical and biotechnological sectors.

“Cuba stacks up favorably against other countries when it comes to healthcare,” enthused Lessner Gomez, director at the Cuba Tourist Board. “Investment in scientific research and a preventive public health approach makes Cuba’s healthcare system a model for the world to follow.”

Indeed, the safety measures the country has put in place for visiting Canadians during the Covid-19 pandemic are truly world class.

Medical Teams at Every Hotel

“There is an international healthcare clinic in every resort area in Cuba,” explained Gomez. “Also, a medical team consisting of a doctor, nurse and epidemiologist specialist is available at every single hotel. The hotel medical team is there to monitor the health of its staff and guests, so Canadians can rest assured that the Cuban healthcare system is there to protect them.”

Safety & Hygiene Protocols

Cuba has even rolled out a new certification program specifically for the tourist sector. The program is carried out by a multi-disciplinary team of government, public health and tourism officials and all tourism businesses must follow its safety and hygiene protocols.

The WHO and WTO-recommended protocols include daily health and temperature checks, placing disinfectant and disinfectant rugs at all entrances, and the provision of adequate PPE for all tourism workers.

Cuba: A Source of Inspiration

But don’t worry, it’s not ALL about rules and protocols: Cuba is still a fun destination!

“Once your clients understand that they need to follow some rules for their own protection, they’ll arrive in Cuba and find it easy to forget all the craziness they left behind them in their regular life back home under Covid-19,” smiled Gomez.

“For sure, Cuba has not changed. We still we have the best beaches in the Caribbean—and they’re now more peaceful than ever before! The capacity at hotels and attractions is topped at 50%, which makes them far more charming, and we have plenty of outdoor dining and activities to enjoy.

“Cuba will still be a source of inspiration long after your client has drunk their last Mojito and returned to Canada!”


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